Within the program of development of good practices in the field of domestic violence, in April 2006 AWC started the project "Start from yourself" which is intended to inform young people about gender-based violence.
The project is part of the regional program "Combating Gender-Based Violence in the Western Balkans", which is implemented in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia.
The aim of the project "Start from yourself" is a contribution to the establishment of effective ways of prevention and protection of young people from gender-based violence (in a partner relationship, family and institutions). Project activities are financially supported by CARE BiH.
Through informative and educational activities, advocacy, lobbying and raising student's motivation and self-organization, we have expected to meet three short term objectives:
- Increased level of general and specific information and knowledge of the student population about gender-based violence and gender equality;
- Encouraged student motivation for self-organization and participation in the prevention and protection from peer violence;
- Encourage motivation and support the initiative of students to actively participate in changing the policies and procedures of educational institutions and student organizations related to gender-based violence and gender equality.
What we did in the period April - December 2006?
- Educational and informative activities
- Self-organization for peer counseling
- Actions of advocacy and lobbying
What we achieved in 2006?
- 103 students future professionals in the institutions in the system of protection against domestic violence are:
- able to identify gender-based violence and its various forms
- sensitized to issues of gender, gender roles, stereotypes and prejudices
- encouraged to self-analysis
- more ready to hear and receive different opinions and views on legislation and procedures in cases of domestic violence; functioning and efficiency of the institutions; sexual violence, sexual blackmail, and harassment; help for victims of partner violence. - We have encouraged young girls to recognize violence in their partnership relations, to share their experiences and to initiate change.
- We posed online counseling for young women so they can anonymously and in a simple way get answers on violence.
- We noticed that the universities lack contents on gender equality and gender-based violence; that we should motivate males to participate more in activities.