The three-year project is implemented in partnership of 7 civil society organizations (Amity, Autonomous Women's Center, Center for Independent Living Serbia, Civic Initiatives, Group 484, Society for the Promotion of Mental Health in Children and Youth, Roma Information Center) and the Institute for Sustainable Communities (ISC). The project is financially supported by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The overall objective of the project: Support to political and social reform processes in Serbia in the EU integration process.
Specific objectives:
- Improved accountability and transparency of governments in identifying priority needs of "vulnerable populations" through the channels of public policies and budgets.
- Strengthened capacities of OCS and citizens to monitor public spending at a local and national level and mobilization of OCS that may affect the government to ensure the efficient and transparent use of public funds.
- Strengthened capacities of OCS to influence and monitore the process of public budgeting.
- Increased public participation, including "vulnerable groups" in government decisions that affect their quality of life.