Project duration: 24 months (April 2016 - April 2018).

Project is funded byEuropean Union via Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia under the EIDHR program (European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights).

Overall objective of the Action is contribution to the promotion of women’s fundamental right to life and prevention of femicide through identification of security risks and more efficient proceeding in protection of women from gender based violence.

Project duration: 24 months (April 2016 - April 2018).

Project is funded byEuropean Union via Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia under the EIDHR program (European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights).

Overall objective of the Action is contribution to the promotion of women’s fundamental right to life and prevention of femicide through identification of security risks and more efficient proceeding in protection of women from gender based violence.

Specific objectives:

  • 1. Strengthening capacities of women’s civil society organizations (CSOs) to monitor and analyse femicide cases and write complaints in cases when public institutions failed to act in accordance with due diligence principle and to protect women’s fundamental right to life.
  • 2. Identifying specific risks that lead to the murder of women and improving safety and security of women in order to prevent femicide, improve practice of institutions and reduce the number of femicide cases in Serbia.
  • 3. Raising public awareness on femicide as the most severe form of male violence against women and violation of women’s human right to life.

Expected results of the project:

  • 1.1. At least 10 women CSOs empowered for monitoring, analysing and writing complaints on misconduct in proceeding of public institutions in femicide cases.
  • 1.2. The practice of collecting data on femicide expended and improved.

  • 2.1. At least 310 women who survived male violence and their children improved their safety and security.
  • 2.2. At least 150 public institutions professionals trained to asses and manage more efficiently security risks in cases of femicide.
  • 2.3. The decision makers and professionals are increasingly influenced by women’s groups to improve the practice and regulation in protecting women from violence.

  • 3.1. Increased sensitization of media and general public on femicide in Serbia.
  • 3.2. Attention of professionals and decision makers focused on prevention of femicide.
  • 3.3. Informative and educational video material on femicide available through different channels of communication.

Main groups of activities:

  • 1.1. Collecting press clipping, analysis, writing (interim and annual) public reports on femicide in Serbia.
  • 1.2. Developing questionnaire and collecting data from institutions (police, centres for social work and courts) by using the Law on Free Access to the Information of Public Importance, in at least 5 femicide cases when public institutions failed to act in accordance with due diligence principle and to protect women’s fundamental right to life.
  • 1.3. Trainings (basic training and follow up) for women CSOs on monitoring and analysis of femicide cases and writing complaints to the Ombudsman in cases of misconduct in proceeding of public institutions.
  • 1.4. Mentoring support to women CSOs for analysis and writing complaints in femicide cases.
  • 1.5. Meetings of women CSOs in Belgrade, from at least 3 Balkan countries (in the status of pre-accession to EU) for creation of joint platform for data collection on femicide.
  • 1.6. Meetings with international expert researchers related to femicide data collection.
  • 1.7. Coordinating meetings: Sandglass and AWC

  • 2.1. Organizing “Mapping inner safety and security resources” workshops for at least 80 women who survived violence
  • 2.2. Assessing risks and monitoring institutional response for at least 200 women who survived male violence
  • 2.3. Monitoring of male violence against women cases and providing legal representation for at least 30 women victims of male violence in high risk of femicide
  • 2.4. Monitoring at least 2 court trials in cases of femicide and reporting
  • 2.5. Organizing 8 (one day) trainings for professionals in public institutions for assessing and managing security risks
  • 2.6. Creating, publishing and presenting the analysis and recommendations for the improvement of risk assessment in cases of high risk of femicide
  • 2.7. Organizing round table with decision makers to discuss analyses and recommendations and initiatives for changes of laws and regulations in order to improve security risks.

  • 3.1. Submitting the initiative to the Government of Republic of Serbia to declare 18th of May as the Day of Remembrance of Women Victims of Femicide[1]
  • 3.2. Strategic planning meeting for launching public campaign against femicide in at least 30 towns and municipalities in Serbia, in collaboration with women’s networks
  • 3.3. Implementing campaign: “18th of May - Day of Remembrance of Women Victims of Femicide”; 3.4. Writing public announcements on each case of femicide when public institutions failed to act in accordance with due diligence principle and to protect lives of women;
  • 3.5. Organizing 5 trainings for national and local media professionals in cooperation with Independent Association of Media of Serbia and Local Press Network for monitoring of proceedings of public institutions in cases of Femicide;
  • 3.6. Creating a documentary movie (30 minutes) on Femicide in Serbia and promotion, based on data collected during the Action implementation.

[1] In 48 hours on 17/18th of May 2014, 7 women were killed by partner/familiy member in Serbia