Donor: L’Oreal Fund for Women

Project duration: May 2024 – May 2026


Project goals: Contribution to the empowerment of women with the experience of violence in a partner relationship / family to exercise their rights, to protect themselves and recover from violence, as well as to achieve economic independence.

 Key activities:

 1. Provision of standard, continuous high-quality support: psycho-social support by SOS phone, "face-to-face" consultations, answering e-mail messages; free legal support by phone and "face to face", writing submissions and representation before the court;

 2. Economic empowerment of women: assistance to women with the experience of violence in realizing their right to material assistance, information and mediation in employment, training to improve skills and knowledge, provision of urgent financial assistance to meet needs (medical examinations, necessary accommodation, transport, food, coverage of court costs).