pravdaAfter the first three independent monthly reports, the fourth independent report of the Autonomous Women's Center on the implementation of the Law on the Prevention of Domestic Violence relates to the three-month period from September to November 2017.

Preconditions in this period show the following:

  1. In the observed period, data from various sources remained incomparable, with the complete lack of the data from centers for social work (in charge of recording individual plans of protection and support for victims). Six months from the implementation of the Law on the Prevention of Domestic Violence, no single and central electronic registry of domestic violence was established.
  2. Due to the imprecise way of presentation of figures, the Ministry of Interior kept erroneously informing the public about the changes in the Law, by citing the number of emergency measures, rather than the number of persons the measures were applied to, as well as by summing both imposed measures, thus increasing the difference related to the number of proposals and extended emergency measures, unduly describing the police work as more effective.
  3. There was no publicly available information on the activities of the Council for the Suppression of Domestic Violence, whose role is to monitor the implementation of legal provisions, as well as to improve the coordination and effectiveness of domestic violence prevention.

This report is also addressed to the Council for the Suppression of Domestic Violence, and the whole text is available here.