Donor: Kvinna till Kvinna
Project duration: January 2019 – December 2020
Project goal: Contribute to the establishment of comprehensive legal and policy solutions for the protection of women against violence, as conditions for the realisation of democracy, fundamental rights and women’s human rights, through the process of harmonisation with the EU values and acquis. Specific goal: Increased prioritization of women’s human rights by governments in the EU accession process through participation of women’s organisations.
General information about the project: Activities include 1) Monitoring reforms under Chapter 23 (fundamental rights: principle of non-discrimination, gender equality, social position of vulnerable groups and procedural safeguards) by AWC in partnership with the prEUgovor coalition. 2) Regular policy proposals and law amendments based on monitoring the implementation of the CoE Convention and UN Concluding observations by AWC, through policy dialogue between decision-makers, with active participation of media and citizens. 3) Strengthening capacities of AWC and women’s organisations for the increased participation in advocating for the rights of women in the national policy and laws, and for participation in the EU accession process.
Donor: Federation of associations “2019 European Youth Capital – OPENS”
Project duration: February – November 2019
Project goals: The general goal is to lower tolerance for gender-based violence among youth and among those who work with youth. Specific goals are: 1) Increased capacities of representatives of secondary schools to respond to gender-based violence and domestic violence and 2) Increase awareness of youth organization representatives about the unacceptability of gender-based violence and improved knowledge about the causes, consequences and forms of gender-based violence, as well as about available protection and support.
General information about the project: Activities include direct work with representatives of youth organizations and activities for representatives of selected secondary schools of the South-Backa District. Expect results are 1) improved capacities of youth organizations to recognize and provide basic information to youth about gender-based violence, and 2) more effective protection of pupils from gender-based and domestic violence in secondary schools.
Donor: AVON
Project duration: January – June 2019
Project goals: The long-term goal is to increase the experience of safety of young women from gender-based violence. Specific goals are 1) increasing the knowledge of secondary school pupils and encourage local activism of young women and men that contributes to the visibility of this problem and changes in attitudes and prejudice and 2) improving the response of education institutions to gender-based violence.
General information about the project: Based on our previous results and experiences in the field of prevention, activities include the implementation of a three-day girl empowerment and networking camp for 60 participants from different cities of Serbia. This activity aims to increase girls’ awareness and knowledge about different aspects of the lives of women, but seeks also to contribute to building local resources for future actions addressing discrimination, gender equality and violence against women. In addition to this, activities encompass the implementation of trainings for youth on gender-based violence in partner relationships in four secondary schools, as well as trainings for representatives of four schools on the role of education institutions in protection from gender-based and domestic violence.
Donors: OAK Foundation
Project name: Core support
Project duration: April 2018 – April 2021
Project objectives: empowering women for ending violence and recovery from violence trauma through available, sustainable and improved psychosocial and legal services of AWC; policies to combat violence against women at the national and local levels are in line with international standards (UN, CoE and EU); affirming women’s rights through empowered women’s movement, new alliances, improved visibility and understanding of violence against women issues in media and general public; empowered organizational capacities.
Basic information about the project: by 2021, the Autonomous Women’s Center works on direct support to women victims of violence, spreading women’s support and solidarity and advocates and monitors the adoption, promotion and consistent application of relevant national policies and instruments in the area of violence against women, which are comprehensive, relevant, specific, effective and efficient. At the same time, the Autonomous Women's Center is devoted to the survival of public and activist’s spaces of resistance to nationalism, patriarchy and authoritarian governing.
Project duration: 24 months (January 2017 – December 2018)
Project is funded by: Kvinna till Kvinna
Overall objective: Contribute to the establishment of comprehensive legal and policy solutions for the protection of women against violence, as conditions for the realisation of democracy, fundamental rights and women’s human rights, through the process of harmonisation with the EU values and acquis. Specific objective: Increased visibility of women’s human rights and participation of women’s organisations in the EU accession documents and process.
Project duration: 24 months (April 2016 - April 2018).
Project is funded by: European Union via Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia under the EIDHR program (European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights).
Overall objective of the Action is contribution to the promotion of women’s fundamental right to life and prevention of femicide through identification of security risks and more efficient proceeding in protection of women from gender based violence.
Project duration: 3 years (January 2016 – December 2018)
The Project is funded by: UNTF – UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women
The Project Goal is to contribute to increasing the safety of young girls in high schools and faculties in Serbia from sexual and gender-based violence.
Project duration: 24 months (2013/2014)
Project is funded by: European Union under the IPA programme – Civil Society Facility Framework Partnership Agreements
In Serbia, the project is supported by: Institute for Sustainable Communities (ISC) and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).
Main objective of the project is to contribute to the establishment of comprehensive legislation and policies for the protection of women from violence in the Western Balkans, as a condition for achieving democracy, fulfilment of human rights, social inclusion and harmonisation with European values.
Project duration: 24 months (2015/2016)
Project is funded by: European Union under the IPA programme – Civil Society Facility Framework Partnership Agreements
Overall objective is to contribute to the establishment of comprehensive legal and policy solutions for protection against violence in the Western Balkans, as conditions for the realisation of democracy, human rights, social inclusion and harmonisation with EU values.
Project duration: 12 months
The project is funded by: UNICEF